Videos and TV Appearances
Dr. Holland has appeared on the Today show over 25 times, as well as on Good Morning America, CNN, Dr. Oz, The Doctors, VICE media, and more.
- Lifetime Talk show guest on Jane (ecstasy) [watch]
- NBC Today Show discussing Brittney Spears and Heath Ledger [watch]
- NBC Today Show with Danny Bonaduce [watch]
- ABC Good Morning America discussing antidepressants [watch]
- ABC Good Morning America discussing nutrition [watch]
- Peter Jennings hour-long documentary on ecstasy
- CNN Live with Paula Zahn [watch]
- CNN PCP/Embalming Fluid [watch]
- CNN hour-long special on health and happiness with Sanjay Gupta [watch]
- MTV Hour-long documentary on ecstasy
- VH1 Hour-long documentary on ecstasy [watch]
- VH1 "The Drug Years" documentary [watch]
- Sundance Channel "The Drug Years"
- Fox News News [watch]
- MSNBC Dan Abrams discussing Brittney Spears
- Discovery Health Hour-long documentary on ecstasy
- Court TV Commentary on murder trial involving ecstasy [watch]
- Fox Commentary on date rape case involving GHB
- Lifetime Talk show guest on Jane (ecstasy)
- Rickie Lake talk show guest (PCP/embalming fluid) [watch]
- Catalyst [watch]
For more, please check out the video reel.